Russian Roulette

Russian roulette slot machine

Russian Roulette – one of the best games of Nelset Interactive. Already from the name it is clear that it is a virtual analogue of the famous among the Russian officers of extreme entertainment.

Such a game was popular a few centuries ago and was considered an entertainment for those who are not afraid to look into the face of death. Now you can experience real gambling emotions and get a splash of adrenaline without the risk of losing your life. Just join the game “Russian roulette” and try to catch luck by the tail.

Russian roulette

Do not think that the simulator repeats the entire process of the real game, because in this case, it would not be able to captivate the user for many hours. “Russian roulette” has a lot of advantages. The game has several modes. Among them, it is worth noting those in which it is allowed to choose the number of rounds in the drum. Then all that remains is to pull the trigger and wait for the result. When the shot is fired the player “dies”, with a misfire the revolver goes to the opponent. Roulette can be played not only with bots but also with real players. The latter option is preferable, because it allows you to experience real gambling emotions.